When you can not express everything you have inside, beautiful love letters are a wonderful resource. In a few lines written on a paper, you can undress your soul without fears or nerves, express everything you feel to the person you love. In these love letters, fun and romantic, you can say “I love you,” or ask for forgiveness, express your desire to overcome difficulties or convey your sadness for missing it.
5 beautiful love letters for my boyfriend or girlfriend
For a love letter to succeed and achieve the desired effect, you must shake off your fears and shames, focus your message on what you want to express, and use the right tone for it. Inspire yourself in the letters that we offer below.
1. The romantic love letter to say “I love you.”
I take advantage of these moments of silence offered by the night friend to write you some lines that get to express my love, knowing that neither the inspiration of the raindrops that beat the windowsill nor the best-chosen words arranged in the most beautiful, you can transcend the depth you hold in my soul.
After all this time, every day keeps filling my heart with all the happiness I feel every time I become aware of the privilege of having you in my life. The reason to feel alive and firm to continue despite the difficulties.
And although sometimes I feel so little by your side, so small and insignificant before your beauty and your greatness, I keep smiling every day like a fool when I feel you next to me. Because I have the certainty, my love, that all these years at your side have been a gift, but that the most precious gift is the years that remain for us to live together.
Together, because otherwise, I would not know how to live. Together, because by your side everything is simple. Together, because of you, I learn every day. Together, because together I am more humble, more good and happier. Together, your kiss gives me life, because I’m dying for your hugs. Never leave, because I will always be with you.
2. The funny love letter to express your love
I remembered all those romantic movies that you like to see with a half smile on your lips on Sunday afternoons, under the blanket, next to me. Yes, those movies where the boy writes love letters to his girl, and I was wondering if this time it could not be me, your love, and be a romantic boy that brings you a smile.
I want to take the facility to remind you that I want to regret having to wait every morning for half an hour to enter the bathroom and to find every morning the drain of the shower stuck with your hair. That I love you, even if I have to endure your fights and your quarrels: will it be that I like you more when you get angry?
I have learned to live with you. Truthfully, I believe that I could no longer live without those discussions for cleanliness, or without those anger every time I do not do exactly what you want. How many matches of my Real Madrid I will not have lost because of you! My friends say that I am a squawk.
For that, darling, do not suffer, I want to live all your life by your side so that you continue warming me in the bed when it is cold and make me lose consciousness with those little kisses on the neck that only you can give me. Who, after all, would endure a clumsy time like me for so long?
Distance love letter to say “I miss you.”
Just a few days ago you left, and my whole existence is no longer an unbearable emptiness. I swear that I try to accommodate my life to that new, cruel and bitter circumstance that supposes to live without you: and in each new attempt, failure.
They say that distance is oblivion, but I do not stop thinking about you. You are present in everything I do, I see you in the face of everyone who crosses my path, and when I walk sad and alone through the streets, your name reverberates ceaselessly in my head. And I wonder when you will come back, my love, because that makes it too difficult for me.
I wonder how you will be, darling, if you have found everything you were looking for there if you are eating well and sleep as much as you should.
I think, after all, that this has to make us stronger. I try to be positive, and when bitterness and tears come to my eyes, I try to console myself thinking that this is just proof that our love is a wonderful and indestructible force.
I’m still waiting for the day we meet again, love, because we still have so much to do, both for loving us, so much for telling us. And in that thought, I find just the reason to keep fighting away from you.
3. The tender love letter to ask for forgiveness
It’s hard for me to write you these lines because I do not know how to express what I feel. My heart is caught between the hope of finding your forgiveness and the fear of losing you. I guess, in the end, I write this letter with the strength that gives me to think that everything has been a mistake that can be solved because deep down there is only one reality: I love you, and I want us to continue filling our Instagram with photos and selfies together.
I write from the humility that allows me to ask for your forgiveness, without reservations or excuses. Sorry, because I was wrong. Sorry, because I should never have committed such a lack. And now that the evil is done, I swear I still can not find a reason why I did it.
But the worst thing is not that, darling. What breaks my heart is knowing that I have hurt you, and that you have suffered because of me. Having hurt you is something I can never forgive, but now I ask you on my knees and with humility to forgive me.
Think of all these years together, love, in the difficulties we have gone through, and what we still have to live. Trust me, one last time at least, so that I can show you that this forgiveness is not empty, but carries with it the promise that I will never fail you again, because I have learned the lesson.
4. Letter to declare your love to a person
It’s been a while since I’ve been able to stop thinking about you, every moment, everything I do. And when I’m with you, I spend hours thinking that this time I’m going to tell you, that I’m going to draw strength not to be so shy and express what I feel once. But fear makes me tremble again, and when I see you, I am unable to tell you.
That’s why I’ve decided to write to you what I do not dare to tell you: I’m in love with you. Since I met you, I knew that you have everything I look for in a person, and if that was not enough, every time you look at me and smile, I feel an attraction that I have never felt for anyone. I suffer because I can not tell you, but at the same time, I am happy every time I see you.
During all these days I have experienced feelings that I did not know existed. I can not stop thinking about you: I remember your eyes and mine light up, your smile comes to mind, and I smile too. And I throw the hours consumed by the nerves and the desire to see you. And you know what’s best? When I see you, you make me feel unique.
That’s why I needed to write you this letter, to tell you that I fell madly in love with you, and having the opportunity to live this love story with you would make me the happiest man on Earth. I want those adventures that only you and I know how to share, become our day today.
5. Letter of love to overcome bad moments
I never thought we would get to this point, and now that I realize, I’m afraid of losing you. I do not want this to sound corny, like those phrases that look good on Instagram, or like any stupid Facebook photo asking for forgiveness.
No. Because our story is much deeper and more important than all this, and you deserved to write everything I feel in these lines. All couples go through difficult times, and our love story is at a critical moment. But I am full of hope, because I know that what you unite us is stronger than what you want to separate us.
I know as well as you that I am guilty, in part, of what has brought us this far, and that is why our reconciliation has to come from self-criticism and forgiveness. You know? These days I’ve been thinking a lot, and between tears and tears, I’ve realized that all this can help us to grow, to be stronger, and to see the future with hope.
I do not want to be your lover, love: I want to be your friend and your partner. Do not feel alone, never again, because our love is the commitment to build a life together. And that commitment is renewed today: when you read this letter, I want you to know that I am ready to face the future with enthusiasm and renewed energy.