Discouragement and lack of motivation could prevent you from achieving your goals. It’s up to you, and only you, to devise the techniques that will help you keep the fire going. It is useful and it helps a lot to have visualizations of your objectives. Visualize whatever you’re looking to achieve. It could be something material like a new car, or a vacation you’ve wanted for a long time. Let’s discover the techniques be your own motivation.
Take or cut out a photograph of a newspaper or magazine, and paste it in a place that you frequent a lot, either at home or at work, so that you are always looking at it and it serves as a reminder that you have that goal and in Sometimes it will serve as a guiding light to prevent you from getting out of the way.
Techniques to be your own motivation
This technique has become so useful because simply on the road we forget our goals. And when we go to the middle of our journey, we do not have the same motivation that we had when we started. You must control your emotions and thinking.
This is something natural and inherent to human nature, it is even an effect that we can see in animals. However, since being is human we can “hack” that mental state, and make our way through motivation using shortcuts like this.
It is good to commit oneself, in a kind of contract. And as we know, the contracts are spoken almost never enjoy much effectiveness. It has been shown in motivational studies that people who write lists with their tasks and objectives, tend to succeed faster and more effectively in their purposes than those who simply carry the list in mind.
Improve psychology
Writing something psychologically is much more powerful than simply thinking or saying it. This could also be one of the reasons why the vast majority of cultures usually respect written contracts, and not so many verbal ones.
Even a pat on the back, “good job!” Or “thank you very much!” Can get the effect. However, these are not always available.
Considering that these factors are also essential in motivation, you must first find a way to give yourself encouragement. It is a way to reward your efforts, but it must be a way that truly values and you can feel yourself fighting for it.
Abusive people can lower your self-esteem and make you depressed. Do everything possible to get rid of the negative people in your life. Surround yourself with positive people, imitate those who seem to live better than others, smile and try to have happy thoughts all the time.
In principle, it is not easy because we have been taught with NO since childhood, but little by little we can make changes.
A good way to turn negative thoughts into positives is:
- Stop watching news and read newspapers
- Listen and analyze the negativism of people
- Realize that this negativism has them in the bad situation they say
- Commit to changing those thoughts
- Analyze every day, all day to get caught being negative, and change it instantly
Look for help with a friend or close family member (which is very positive). He could see what you do not. This can end up giving you a much brighter and clearer perspective of what you really want and a different mentality about what the steps to follow to reach your destination might be.
Instead of waiting for things to happen, try to be proactive and MAKE THINGS HAPPEN. Inactivity deactivates the brain and inhibits your potential to achieve goals.
Read books and articles that inspire you
Take advantage of the Internet and technologies to access information that a while ago was virtually found. This will help you improve your attitude and your mentality, it will reinforce your belief that Yes It Can.
A book with a success story can be impressive and encourage you to act. You will not only learn from the experience of others (which reduces your learning curve) but your stories will motivate you to move forward and continue with your plans, because they have achieved it, and if they can …
Many times, not knowing where to start can be frustrating. Knowledge is power. You must have a clear understanding of how and where to start is filler and provides the necessary guidelines to aim at the target and shoot with temperance.
If you have a large list of tips and tricks of self-motivation, but still feel that you need something, that you can not motivate and that you finally reach procrastination, then there is one last thing you can try.
Whatever you are wanting or wanting to achieve PLEASE! Keep pointing high and go for it. Put your hands on the problem and at least start, eliminates a great barrier of motivation. It works because you are pressuring yourself to do it. You do not let the inertia win you and you are progressing little by little. Remember the famous advice: Divide and Conquer.
Break the lack of motivation by dividing your big task, into several small achievable tasks, and define time slots for it. This not only helps you overcome your frustration but seeing results in the middle of the road will push you harder and improve your confidence that you can do it.
The lack of motivation is something that happens to everyone, but if you do not encourage them to accept opportunities and challenges, no one else will. You find ways to move quickly and achieve great benefits.
And if at first you only do it for the prize or the material reward, you will also learn to realize that the achievements, satisfaction and self-realization that result from your goal are much more exciting and pleasing than the prizes you can give.
Eventually, you may not need rewards, but remember, start small. This is all a path that you have in front, take the first step, and remain constant always, sooner or later you will arrive.