Working out at home has become increasingly popular in recent years. Having access to exercise leg worout equipment in your own home gym allows you to workout on your own schedule. It also saves the hassle and cost of a gym membership or classes.
When it comes to leg workouts, you have several options for effective and affordable leg workout equipment for home. With the right tools, you can target all the major muscle groups in your legs – quads, hamstrings, glutes, calves, and more.
The key is finding equipment that provides a thorough workout without breaking the bank. High costs shouldn’t prohibit you from achieving your fitness goals. This guide will outline some of the cheapest and safest machines and accessories to include in your home leg workout routine.
Benefits of Leg Workouts
Before getting into the leg workout equipment for home, let’s look at why strong legs are so important for your overall health and fitness:
- Builds lower body strength – Leg exercises strengthen the major muscle groups in your legs. This leads to increased muscle size and definition.
- Supports mobility and balance – Working your legs improves stability, coordination, and balance. This helps prevent falls or injuries.
- Boosts athletic performance – Developing leg power translates to improved performance in sports and activities. This includes running, jumping, kicking, and more.
- Aids weight loss – Leg workouts burn more calories and boost metabolism. This helps shed excess fat and maintain a healthy body weight.
- Reduces injury risk – Strengthening your legs provides extra support for your knees, hips, and ankles. This protects against strains or joint injuries.
- Improves posture and spine health – Strong legs and glutes can help reduce lower back pain and improve alignment and stability.
As you can see, consistent leg training offers whole-body benefits beyond just bigger, stronger legs. Now let’s look at some budget-friendly leg workout equipment for home to help you meet your lower body goals at home.
Bodyweight Exercises for Leg Workout
The cheapest way to workout your legs is using absolutely no equipment at all! Bodyweight exercises allow you to perform leg strengthening exercises anytime, anywhere. They utilize your own body weight as resistance to tone and shape your lower body.
Here are some of the top bodyweight moves to try:
- Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, toes facing forward.
- Send hips back and bend knees to lower into a squat.
- Descend until thighs are parallel or nearly parallel to the floor.
- Press through heels back to the starting position.
- Repeat for 12-15 reps.
Squats target your quads, glutes, hamstrings, and calves in one move. Go low for more intensity or stay higher for an easier modification. You can even hold dumbbells at your sides for added resistance.
- Stand tall, core engaged. Step one leg back into a wide lunge, bending both knees to 90 degrees.
- Push off the back foot to return to start. Repeat on the opposite leg.
- Complete 10-12 controlled reps per side.
- For an added challenge, elevate your back foot on a step.
Lunges isolate each leg, building strength and stability in your quads, glutes, and hamstrings. Focus on keeping your torso upright and knees behind your toes.
- Stand facing a sturdy box or step. Place one foot firmly on the step.
- Press through the heel to step up onto the box, bringing the other foot to meet.
- Step back down one leg at a time to return to start.
- Repeat for 10-15 reps per side. Increase height for more difficulty.
This single-leg exercise strengthens your glutes, quads, and calves. Drive through the working leg and engage your core for the best results.
Wall Sits
- Lean back against a wall with feet shoulder-width apart about 2 feet out.
- Keeping back flat against the wall, slowly slide down into a seated position with thighs parallel to the floor.
- Hold for 30-60 seconds.
- Focus on squeezing glutes and keeping knees behind toes.
Wall sits are an isometric exercise that burns your quads while improving lower body endurance. Start with shorter durations and work your way up.
Calf Raises
- Stand with balls of feet on stairs or the edge of a step. Heels extend off.
- Raise up onto toes, lifting heels as high as possible.
- Slowly lower back to start.
- Repeat for 10-15 controlled reps.
Calf raises specifically target your gastrocnemius and soleus muscles. Go slow and focus on the full range of motion for best results.
These bodyweight moves provide an effective leg challenge anywhere with zero leg workout equipment for home. Aim for 2-3 sets of 10-15 reps of each exercise 2-3 days per week.
Now let’s look at some budget-friendly equipment to take your leg workouts up a notch.
Resistance Bands
Resistance bands are stretchy elastic bands that provide progressive resistance. They come in a variety of resistance levels, indicated by color. Bands offer a versatile, affordable option to build strength.
The band’s resistance increases as you stretch it. This challenges your muscles at all points in the movement. Resistance bands typically cost between $10-30 for a full set.
Here are some great ways to utilize bands for leg training:
Banded Squats
- Stand on the center of the band with feet hip-width apart. Hold the ends of the band by your sides.
- Initiate the squat by sending the hips back. The band will engage as you descend.
- Squat down until your thighs are parallel to the floor.
- Squeeze glutes and press through heels to return to standing.
Banded Side Steps
- Place band just above ankles. Take a wide step to the right, pressing into the band.
- Bring left foot in to return to start. Repeat the step to the left.
- Continue alternating side steps for 10-15 reps per side. Keep tension on the band the entire time.
Banded Leg Extensions
- Secure the band to a stable object near the floor. Sit with legs extended, the band hooked under an arch of one foot.
- With an engaged core, slowly extend the leg straight against the resistance of the band.
- Bend knee to return to start.
- Complete 10-15 reps then switch legs.
Banded Hamstring Curls
- Lie face up with legs extended. Place band under arches of feet.
- Raise hips slightly and bend knees, pulling feet toward glutes against the band.
- Slowly straighten your legs back to start. Complete 10-15 reps.
Bands allow you to perform familiar leg movements like squats, extensions, and curls with increased resistance. Mix up the band placement and exercise selection to target all areas.
Sliders are another versatile budget option for leg training. These smooth plastic discs allow your foot to glide along the floor to work your legs from new angles.
Sliders challenge your stability and range of motion. A pair of basic sliders cost around $10-15. You can also DIY your own using paper plates or towels on hard flooring.
Try incorporating sliders into leg exercises like these:
Slider Lunges
- Place the slider under one foot. Take an exaggerated step and slide into a deep lunge.
- Push off the front leg to return to standing. Repeat on the opposite leg.
- Aim for 10-12 controlled reps per side.
Lateral Slider Squats
- Stand with sliders under both feet shoulder-width apart.
- Push knees outward as you squat down, sliding feet wide into a sumo squat position.
- Squeeze your inner thighs to pull your feet back in and stand back up tall.
Single Leg Slides
- Place one foot on the slider. Keeping your chest lifted, slide your leg straight back behind you.
- Pull leg back underneath hips to starting position.
- Complete 10-12 controlled reps before switching legs.
Sliders introduce new levels of glute, quad, and hamstring engagement. Always brace the core and maintain proper alignment when using sliders.
Ankle Weights
Strapping small amounts of weight around your ankles is another affordable way to increase resistance for leg training. Ankle weights typically weigh between 1 and 10 pounds each.
The added resistance helps to better activate and fatigue your lower body muscles. Ankle weights cost approximately $15-25 for a pair online or at sporting goods stores.
Some effective ways to use ankle weights for legs include:
Weighted Squats
- Attach ankle weights as normal around ankles. Perform bodyweight squats as usual.
- The extra weight makes your legs work harder on the eccentric and concentric motions.
Weighted Lunges
- Complete forward, reverse, and lateral lunges while wearing ankle weights.
- Maintain proper lunge form as the weights pull you into a deeper range of motion.
Weighted Wall Sits
- Attach ankle weights and perform wall sits.
- The added load increases muscle activation in your quads, glutes, and calves.
Start with lighter weights (1-3 lbs) to allow a full range of motion as you build strength over time. Remove weights if form falters.
Resistance Bands
Resistance bands provide an excellent way to add challenge to bodyweight leg exercises without expensive leg workout equipment for home. These elastic bands come in varying resistance levels, indicated by color. Heavier bands provide more resistance.
Bands are extremely versatile. You can loop them around legs or anchor them to add resistance to movements like squats, lunges, and kicks. Resistance bands typically cost just $10-30 for a full set.
Here are some great ways to use bands for leg toning:
Banded Squats
- Stand with a band around your thighs just above your knees. Hold the ends of the band in each hand.
- Initiate squat by sending hips back and bending knees. The band engages more as you descend.
- Squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Press through heels to stand back up.
Banded Side Steps
- Place band around ankles. Take a wide step sideways with one leg, pressing out against the band.
- Bring feet back together to return to start. Complete 10-15 reps per side.
Banded Leg Extensions
- Sit with legs extended. Wrap a band around the arch of one foot. Anchor the other end to a sturdy object.
- Contracting quads, lift the leg straight against the resistance of the band.
- Bend knee to return to start position. Complete 10-15 reps per leg.
Banded Leg Curls
- Lie face down with legs straight and band hooked around arches of feet.
- Raise feet toward glutes, bending knees against the resistance of the band.
- Extend legs back to start position. Aim for 10-15 reps.
Bands allow you to work against added resistance with simple bodyweight movements. Experiment with different levels of resistance and band placements.
Sliders are smooth plastic discs that glide along the floor to enable new ranges of motion. They can elevate leg exercises by challenging your stability and control.
A basic pair of sliders costs just $10-15. You can also DIY sliders at home using paper plates, towels, or furniture sliders on hard floors.
Incorporate sliders into leg toning exercises like:
Slider Lunges
- Place right foot on the slider, left foot planted on the floor.
- Slide your right leg back and bend both knees into a lunge.
- Push off left leg to return to standing. Repeat 10-12 times then switch legs.
Lateral Slider Squats
- Stand with feet on sliders hip-width apart.
- Push knees outward and squat down as you slide feet wide into a sumo squat.
- Squeeze inner thighs to pull feet back under hips and stand up.
Single Leg Slides
- Balance on one leg with the opposite slider foot extended behind you.
- Keeping chest lifted, slide leg straight back, maintaining balance.
- Pull leg back under hips to return to start. Repeat 10-12 times per leg.
Mix up your slider placement and movements to target all areas. Brace your core and move with control.
Ankle Weights
Strapping ankle weights just above your ankles provides constant added resistance to leg movements. Ankle weights range from 1-10+ lbs each, costing approximately $15-25 per pair.
The extra load forces your leg muscles to work harder with every rep, intensifying your workout. Be sure to maintain proper form and control when using ankle weights.
Some examples include:
Weighted Squats
- Attach ankle weights around ankles and perform bodyweight squats.
- The weights make your legs work harder to complete each squat rep.
Weighted Lunges
- Wear ankle weights while completing forward, reverse, and lateral lunges.
- The pull of the weights helps increase your range of motion.
Weighted Wall Sits
- Add ankle weights and perform wall sits, holding thighs parallel to the floor.
- The constant load increases muscle activation in your quads.
Start with lighter weights (1-3 lbs) to allow a full range of motion. Remove any equipment if the form falters.
Dumbbells are extremely versatile for leg sculpting. These small hand weights allow you to add resistance to bodyweight moves or isolate specific muscles. Prices vary based on material and weight increments.
For leg training, opt for adjustable dumbbells that go up to at least 25-30 lbs each. This gives room to progressively overload your lower body. Expect to spend $150-300+ for a quality adjustable pair.
Dumbbells open up moves like:
Dumbbell Squats
- Hold dumbbells at your sides and perform regular squats.
- The added load intensifies muscle activation in your legs and glutes.
Dumbbell Lunges
- Hold dumbbells at your sides and complete forward, reverse, or lateral lunges.
- Dumbbells increase resistance and challenge your balance.
Dumbbell Step-ups
- Hold dumbbells at your sides and perform step-ups onto a box or platform.
- The weights make your working leg work against more resistance.
Dumbbell Sumo Squat to Calf Raise
- Stand with a wide stance, toes turned out, and dumbbells by your sides.
- Lower into a sumo squat, then press up through heels, raising onto your toes at the top for a calf raise.
- Slowly lower back to the starting squat position.
Dumbbells allow you to load traditional bodyweight moves or target specific muscles in isolation. Invest in quality adjustable dumbbells to cover a range of resistance levels.
Barbells offer another excellent way to progressively overload your lower body for strength and muscle growth. Standard barbells allow you to load plenty of weight plates onto the bar for intense resistance.
A basic 20-30 lb Olympic barbell costs $50-150. You’ll need weight plate sets and possibly collars and racks. But a barbell opens up big compound lifts like:
Barbell Squats
- Load an appropriate weight onto a barbell across the upper back and perform traditional squats.
- The heavy bar overload works your entire lower body in one movement.
Barbell Lunges
- Hold a barbell across the upper back. Step into a lunge and bend both knees to 90 degrees.
- Push off the front leg to return to start. Complete reps then switch legs.
Barbell Deadlifts
- With a flat back, hinge at the hips and grab the barbell with a shoulder-width grip.
- Drive through heels and extend hips to stand up, keeping the bar close to the body.
- Lower bar back to the floor with control. Build grip and posterior chain strength.
Barbell Hip Thrusts
- Sit on the floor with your shoulders against the bench. Place a barbell across the hips.
- Drive heels down to lift hips up, squeezing glutes at the top.
- Focus on using the glutes to move the barbell.
Barbells allow you to safely use very heavy loads for your leg workouts. Invest in proper equipment and learn the correct form from a professional before attempting heavy barbell lifts.
Kettlebells provide another efficient option for loaded leg exercises. These compact weights with handles allow for dynamic swinging and ballistic movements that torch calories and build explosive strength.
Aim for adjustable kettlebells ranging from 15-35+ lbs for lower body exercises. Expect to spend $100-300+ depending on the brand and weight increments.
Kettlebells enable challenging moves like:
Kettlebell Swings
- With soft knees, hinge at hips and grab the kettlebell handle with both hands.
- In one motion, drive your hips forward and swing the kettlebell between your legs to eye level.
- Control the descent and repeat for 10-15 reps.
Kettlebell Goblet Squats
- Hold a kettlebell by horns against the chest in the goblet position.
- Perform deep squats, keeping elbows tight and letting the kettlebell naturally pull you into a lower position.
Kettlebell Lunges
- Hold the kettlebell at your side or rack against your chest. Complete forward or reverse lunges.
- The offset load increases demand on your legs and core stability.
Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift
- Take a wide stance with toes turned out. Reach down and grab the kettlebell handle.
- With a flat back, push your hips back and stand up, squeezing glutes.
- Slowly hinge back down keeping back flat and head/chest lifted.
Kettlebells allow you to perform ballistic, whole-body movements that build explosive strength in your lower body.
Resistance Loop Bands
Resistance loop bands provide another option for increasing the intensity of bodyweight leg exercises. These circular elastic bands come in a range of resistance levels.
You step inside the band and position it around your ankles, thighs, or glutes to add constant tension to movements. Loop bands are extremely affordable at just $10-20 each.
Some examples of using loop bands include:
Banded Squats
- Step inside the band and position around the thighs or knees.
- Perform bodyweight squats, feeling the band pull against you as you descend.
- The constant tension engages your muscles through the entire movement.
Banded Lunges
- Step into the band and place it around your ankles or knees.
- Complete forward, reverse, lateral, or walking lunges against the resistance.
- Drive through the heel and keep the knees behind the toes.
Banded Sumo Squats
- Step inside the band and place it around the ankles. Turn your toes out to a wide stance.
- Push your knees outward as you lower into a sumo squat.
- Drive through inner thighs and glutes to return to standing.
Banded Donkey Kicks
- Secure band around ankles. Get on all fours with hands under your shoulders.
- Engage the core and kick one leg straight back, squeezing the glutes.
- Bend knee in to return to start. Repeat 10-12 reps per side.
Loop bands add extra resistance to bodyweight moves for increased leg and glute activation. Use them around ankles, knees, or thighs depending on the exercise.
Balance Trainer
A balance trainer, also called a wobble board, is a round platform set on a pivot point that tilts and rocks in all directions. Balancing and moving on an unstable surface forces you to engage stabilizer muscles.
Quality balance boards cost approximately $30-100. You can also improvise using a BOSU ball or overturned bowl. Incorporate balance trainers into leg toner exercises like:
Balance Squats
- Place the balance trainer on the floor and stand on it with feet hip-width apart.
- With an engaged core, slowly squat down and back up, keeping balanced.
- Aim for 10-12 reps with proper form.
Balance Lunges
- Place rear foot on balance trainer. Step forward into a lunge, descending slowly.
- Push back up to the start, keeping the rear foot balanced. Repeat then switch legs.
Calf Raises
- Place the balance board on the ground and stand on it with just balls of feet on the platform.
- Raise heels, lifting up onto toes against the unstable surface. Slowly lower.
- Complete 10-15 reps, squeezing calves at the top.
Standing Leg Lifts
- Stand on a platform on one leg, hands on hips.
- Keeping a neutral spine, slowly lift the opposite knee up, engaging the glutes.
- Lower leg back down with control. Repeat 10 times then switch sides.
Test your balance and leg stability by incorporating an unstable surface into lower body exercises. Start on solid ground first to nail down form before attempting advanced balance board moves.
Incline Bench
An incline weight bench makes it easy to perform inclined leg exercises that better target specific muscles compared to flat ground. Adjustable benches ranging from 30-90 degrees of incline generally cost $100-300.
Incline the bench to around 45 degrees and try moves like:
Incline Hip Thrusts
- Sit on the bench with the upper back against the pad. Drive heels down to lift hips up, squeezing glutes.
Incline Glute Bridges
- Lie face up with shoulders on the bench. Push through heels to raise hips up, engaging glutes.
Incline Leg Curls
- Lie face down with hips on a bench. Curl legs up, bending knees to bring heels toward glutes.
Incline Step Ups
- Stand facing the bench. Step one foot onto the surface, pressing down to step up onto the platform.
Adjust the incline level to shift emphasis to different muscles. A sturdy incline bench enhances glute and hamstring focus.
Plyo Box
Plyometric boxes, also called aerobic step platforms, range from just a few inches high to over 24 inches. They provide an unstable surface to challenge balance and explosive power. Expect to spend $30-200 on a quality plyo box.
Explosively jump onto and off the box to stimulate fast-twitch muscle fibers in your legs and glutes. Be careful, as plyometric moves carry a higher risk of injury if form falters.
Here are some ways to use a plyo box:
Box Jumps
- Stand facing the box with feet hip-width apart.
- Bend knees and explosively jump onto the box, landing softly on toes. Step down with control.
Lateral Box Jumps
- Stand sideways with the box to your left. Shift weight right, then explosively hop over to land softly on top of the box.
Box Jump Lunges
- Start in the lunge position facing the box. explosively switch legs and jump onto the box in the lunge position. Step back down with control.
Alternating Box Step Ups
- Place one foot firmly on the box. Press down through the heel and step up.
- Alternate stepping up and down in quick succession, moving explosively.
Use plyo boxes to build leg power and explosiveness. Start low and progress cautiously to higher box heights. Always “stick” the landing and move with control.
Exercise Ball
Exercise or stability balls provide an unstable, portable surface to challenge balance and coordination during leg exercises. Quality anti-burst balls cost just $15-30.
Exercise balls enhance core activation. Try moves like:
Wall Sits on Ball
- Lean against a wall with the ball between the lower back and the wall. Slide down onto a wall and sit with thighs parallel.
Ball Leg Curls
- Lie face down with your torso on the ball. Raise legs, bending knees to curl heels toward glutes.
Ball Hip Bridges
- Lie back with your shoulders on the ball. Push through heels, lifting hips up, and squeezing glutes.
Ball Squats
- Place the ball between the lower back and the wall. Engage the core and perform squats, allowing the ball to roll slightly.
Explode up out of the bottom position and really engage your leg muscles to stabilize against the unstable surface.
Cable Machines
Cable machines utilize adjustable pulleys and resistance cables to enable targeted lower-body movements. Quality home cable machines cost approximately $500-2000+.
Machines open up leg toning exercises like:
Cable Kickbacks
- Attach an ankle cuff to a low cable pulley. Keeping your knee bent, kick your leg straight back behind you against resistance.
Cable Hip Abduction
- Attach cable to ankle. Take a wide step away from the cable machine, resisting the pull inward.
Cable Glute Kickbacks
- Attach cable to ankle. Bend forward at hips. Kick leg straight back, squeezing glutes.
Cable Leg Extensions
- Sit facing high pulley. Wrap the ankle cuff below one foot. Lift leg against resistance.
When possible, opt for a cable tower with a low pulley to better target legs. Explore different foot placements and movements.
All-in-one home gyms like Bowflex, Total Gym, or similar models allow you to perform compound and isolation exercises using your own body weight and gravity as resistance. Expect to spend $500-3000+ for a quality multi-gym.
These machines enable versatile leg exercises like:
Glider Leg Press
- Lie on the sled and place your feet on the platform. Press the platform away by straightening the legs.
Seated Leg Curl
- Sit on the machine and place your heels under the roller pad. Raise legs up, bending knees to curl weight toward glutes.
Lying Leg Curl
- Lie face down on the bench. Curl legs up and bend knees, bringing ankles toward glutes against resistance bands.
Seated Leg Extension
- Sit with legs hanging off the end of the bench. Lift legs straight against resistance bands.
Quality multi-gyms provide an affordable way to access gym-quality leg machines at home. Learn proper set-up and form for each exercise.
Safety Considerations
While building strong, sculpted legs requires hard work and intensity, don’t sacrifice proper form and safety. Keep these tips in mind:
- Always warm up before strength training to prepare muscles and increase blood flow.
- Maintain proper alignment and posture during every exercise. Avoid excess arching or rounding in the back.
- Go slow and control on each rep, avoiding jerky movements with heavy weights. Don’t rely on momentum.
- Keep knees aligned over ankles and avoid letting them collapse inward.
- Stop any exercise that causes sharp or radiating knee pain.
- Progress gradually to prevent excessive muscle soreness or fatigue.
- Avoid ankle weights or resistance bands if they alter form.
- Use spotters and/or squat racks for heavy barbell lifts.
Prioritizing proper form ensures you strengthen your legs safely and efficiently. Now let’s answer some common questions.
In summary
It is possible to achieve strong, toned legs without expensive gym memberships or equipment. This guide outlined budget-friendly tools like resistance bands, ankle weights, and sliders that enable challenging home leg workouts.
Bodyweight moves like squats, lunges, and step-ups are extremely effective when executed with proper form. Adding elements like unstable surfaces and plyometrics can take leg training to the next level.
The key is combining strength-building exercises with cardio intervals, core engagement, and flexibility training for balanced lower body results. Be patient – sculpted legs take time and consistency. But the strength, mobility, and confidence gained make it more than worthwhile.
So start implementing these tips and affordable leg workout equipment for home today. Train hard, be patient, and those shapely, defined legs will come! What home equipment will you try first? Let me know if you have any other questions.
How often should I train my legs?
Aim for at least 2-3 dedicated leg workouts spaced out evenly each week. Allow at least 1-2 days of rest in between sessions. You can do full leg days or target upper/lower body on alternating days.
What if I can’t do squats?
Here are some alternatives if traditional squats are challenging:
- Sumo squats with a wide stance
- Wall sits
- Leg presses on a machine
- Lunges or split squats to isolate each leg
- Low or high box step-ups
- Glute bridges and hip thrusts for glutes
- Seated band leg extensions
- Balance trainer/wobble board squats
Focus on proper form and work within your range of motion. Avoid any exercises causing pain. Build up gradually over time.
What muscles do deadlifts work?
Deadlifts target several major muscle groups in the legs and posterior chain, including:
- Glutes
- Hamstrings
- Erector spine (lower back)
- Trapezius (upper back)
- Quads
- Calves
So they provide full posterior chain benefits. Maintain a neutral spine and flat back when deadlifting.
Should I feel leg exercises in my knees or glutes?
For optimal results, you want to feel the “burn” in the target large muscle groups like your glutes, quads, and hamstrings rather than joints. Here are some tips:
- Initiate hip drive with glute squeezes
- Keep knees aligned with ankles. Don’t let them cave inward.
- Avoid locking knees out completely
- Increase weight and reps gradually
Light soreness in muscles 1-2 days after training is normal. But sharp knee pain could indicate poor form.
Can I lose fat through leg exercises?
Spot reduction of fat through exercise is a myth. You can’t lose fat from one specific area just by working that muscle group. However, building muscle mass through leg training will:
- Increase your metabolism and daily calorie burn
- Boost fat oxidation during and after workouts
- Improve overall tone and definition as muscles push through fat
Combine leg training with proper nutrition to see fat loss results.
Adding size, strength, and definition to your lower body is a smart long-term investment for your health, performance, posture, and confidence. With the right home equipment, focus, and perseverance, sculpted legs are within your reach. Just be sure to train safely and work within your limits.