How to pass time alone at home? Make your time awesome

Going back to being alone when you were together as a couple gives a bit of vertigo. You had become accustomed to adapting your rhythms to another person, and now it is not that your rhythm makes you, but that there is no other rhythm than yours. Scary? Well, maybe, but it opens up a fantastic range of opportunities, which starts by learning a little more about yourself. In this article, we are going to tell you how to pass time alone at home.

How to pass time alone at home?

Do alone things that are done as a couple

Do alone things that are done as a couple

Returning to be alone when you have had a partner for some time may seem that certain things are already vetoed for you. Nothing is further from reality! Go to the movies (just to watch a movie in silence, in the dark absorbed in the screen for 90 minutes you do not need to have anyone by your side, and if you hurry me, you feel freer to laugh out loud or cry with snot lying); give yourself a dinner; go to that trip you always dreamed … Nothing is restricted just because you are alone.

Do what you want to do

Do what you want to do

Yes, “that,” whatever: stay home one. Saturday night to watch a movie curled up in your chair, dance in your underwear (or without it) in the middle of the room. Read that book you bought a long time ago, do not prepare dinner or prepare a banquet for you alone, get to “the many” after a night of dancing and laughter. Take a long and relaxing bath in the middle of the night, walk in the rain aimlessly. All those things you envied to be able to do when you had someone by your side; Now is the time; I have to worry about me.

Keep busy

Keep busy

Being alone is a situation; feeling alone is an emotion, an emotional state that you can learn to manage when you wake up. It’s not real; it’s just a sensation. When you put your attention on something else, that is to say; you become distracted, sensations such as hunger, sadness, boredom disappear… With the feeling of loneliness, it is the same. Feeling lonely can make you feel bored, so … do not leave space to boredom and keep busy.



It’s your time to enjoy: fix, release those impossible shoes, go to the hairdresser and dare with a change of “look,” paint your lips red and prepare for a girls night. Will you deny that you had not watched with envy the meetings of “only girls” that you were when you went out with your partner? Now it’s your turn.! Surely they have just opened in your city a place of fashion, a special restaurant. Who removes you from opening your wings and looking like a peacock?.

Give yourself time

Give yourself time and space to know what makes you happy

What makes you a better person and what awakens all your potential. Be a little selfish and enjoy, because if you are happy and you are comfortable with yourself, when you find yourself starting a new relationship it will be because that person brings you a lot, not because it fills a gap. A new couple will be a decision, not the only option.

Always bear in mind that the love we give, in reality, is the one we have left after loving us with all the intensity. From there is where deep and sincere relationships are formed.

Kendrick Brown

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