Kratom was first mentioned in 1836 in Western literature by Low (Burkhill, 1935). He described the effects in Malaysia and mentioned that Kratom was used as a substitute for opium, when it is too expensive or not available. Originally Kratom in Thailand and Malaysia was taken by male workers, to increase their productivity, and also because of the euphoric effects that. To learn more about kratom click here.
In doses small (also called coca-effect), in addition, it makes it easier to work under extreme sunlight and heat. Those who take frequent, chew the leaves of 3 to 10 times per day, while those who take sometimes only need a few leaves to obtain the desired effect. Use by women, but it’s not common. In high doses Kratom has an effect similar to opium and already at the beginning of the 19th century used as a painkiller and substitute during opium withdrawal (Takayama, 2004). Holmes, as the first person, in 1895 was connected Kratom with the plant Mitragyna speciosa.
Already early (1929) reported that long-term use of Kratom does not lead to personality changes. Contrary to the use of opium consumption of Kratom did not have a bad reputation at this time (Jansen and Prast, 1988).
Medical Applications
Kratom is also used medicinally. As traditional medicine in West Africa using ipermis M. and M. stipulose against malaria. The speciophylline alkaloid isolated from M. ipermis is in the study also effective against leukemia. The same thing is observed with mitraphylline oksindol and speciophylline alkaloids, isolated from Uncaria tomentosa (Rubiaceae), a native liana timber to South America. Traditionally, this liana used to fight arthritis, intestinal problems, cancer, and epidermal diseases. Stuppner et al. (1993) have tested mitraphylline and speciophylline to effect their anti-leukemia cell line HL-60 and U-937. He found that both alkaloids can prevent the leukemia spread by inducing the limits of HL-60 cells to granulocytes and U-937 cells to marcophages.
U-937 cells responsible before infestation of the lymph nodes. The maturation of the blockage? (“Reifungsblock” Medizinisches Lexikon) which is characteristic for human leukemia, addressed in this way.
Africans used in Nigeria to treat mental illness, and M. Ciliata plant, native to Africa, traditionally used to fight inflammation, high blood pressure, headaches, rheumatoid arthritis, gonorrhea and lung disease. From Kratom alkaloids could also be isolated, which also occur in cat’s claw and is responsible for the positive effects on the immune system and blood pressure.