Implantation timing-Although it is thought that fertilization is the irrefutable beginning of pregnancy. Embryo implantation could be considered the true key event for a pregnancy to occur.
When embarking on the search to conceive a baby. It is recommended that women be documented about the pregnancy and its stages, so as to be aware of the care and attention of the process. Among all the phases of embryogenesis, implantation is a key moment. Since only one third of the fertilized ovules manage to reach this point and begin pregnancy.
In either case, either naturally or by assisted fertilization. Implantation is a process in which an embryo located inside the uterus comes in contact with its cells. And joins them to form the sac and that subsequently the pregnancy hormones are produced.
After the sexual act, the zygote forms. This, through the fallopian tubes, reaches the uterus, where adhesion to the walls of the uterus will occur in about 7 or 9 days after ovulation. When the process is carried out artificially. The embryo is introduced directly for at least 5 days. And after 48 hours, the process with the endometrial will complete.
When and how is embryo implantation timing?
After consummating sexual relations and past 7 or 9 days from the fertilization of the ovule, implantation timing begins. By the time of ovulation, the corpus lustrum is left without progesterone. Which maintains the structure of the uterine lining.
When progesterone levels fall, menstruation begins. But the hormone hCG- (human chorionic gonadotropin) produced by the implanted embryo, will give a signal to the corpus luteum to continue production. And thus prevent the menstrual period from being kept intact. endometrium, to which, in addition, the fertilized egg will adhere.
During its embedding in the uterine wall, the embryo will form the means and structures to nourish. And develop. It can be divided into two stages:
During the first, called the preimplantation period, the endometrial and the oocyte are prepared for the process. In addition, they will begin to produce essential hormones for this, such as estrogen and progesterone.
In the second stage or implantation timing, the adhesion will be increasingly stronger until a rupture in the epithelial barrier and subsequent invasion of the endometrium. Finally, the embryo (in its blastocyst phase) comes into contact with the mother’s blood vessels.
Are there differences between an implant in a natural way and that produced by embryo transfer?
The implantation timing, either in a natural or assisted way, is developed in the same way. The main difference is that, in an in vitro fertilization process is performed outside the body of the mother , which allows us to be certain of the quality of the embryo that will later be fertilized. Thanks to this, you can know if the chances of pregnancy will be high, medium or low.
In a natural way, even when the fertilization of an ovule occurs, this does not guarantee its subsequent implantation. If there are fertility problems that are not related to uterine abnormalities that impede this process, assisted embryo transfer can help achieve a pregnancy.
Is there any evidence that can determine the potential of the implantation?
In assisted reproduction there are different tests that determine the implantation potential. A study of the uterus is performed to evaluate its embryo transfer. Where it is verified that it has the proper thickness, that the hormones used are those indicated and discarded structures that may harm the process.
Similarly, there are many studies that can be performed on the fertilized embryo. Now we have systems to observe its development by video monitor. With which its approval or discarding for the procedure is evaluated. The greater the number of days of evolution of the embryos. The greater the implantation potential.
Do symptoms occur after embryo implantation?
In most cases, after the process of embryo implantation, the woman has no symptoms. However, sometimes, some have a small bleeding. Others may feel swelling and discomfort in the belly, pain in the breasts, fatigue and dizziness. A symptomatically very similar to that experienced in premenstrual days.
It is important to note that each woman reacts differently after embryo implantation. But all are equally advised to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Get away from situations that cause stress, avoid excesses and do not do activities that warrant the abdominal or lumbar area.