Never underestimate the power of habits. They strongly influence human destiny, because they are considered the determining factor of opportunities. A small part of the reactions that occur under the influence of internal or external stimuli is controlled. The rest of the reactions are controlled by reflexes and habits. Do not think that a person can nHow To Develop A Good Habitot affect them. On the contrary, habits can be consciously changed if desired. Acquiring a new one, like getting rid of a bad habit, is not an easy task. It takes quite a long time to implement it. This process can even be called art. It takes months to make a habit. But if you follow certain rules, then you can develop a good habit.
Here 12 tips to develop a good habit.
- You need to start with just one habit. If you take a few at once, nothing will come of it. For example, start running in the morning. For one or two weeks, try to consolidate this habit – after a while, it will be given to you easily. Then you can proceed to the next. For example, wake up early. If the previous habit is not fixed, then you do not need to take up the next one.
- Develop a good habit requires motivation. Ask yourself why do you need it? Will, you’re life change if you fix a certain habit? Answer these questions honestly, if necessary, write down your ideas.
- The implementation plan should be divided into small parts and be implemented gradually. So it will be easier to achieve results. Moreover, you can see and control your progress. The plan should be as specific as possible. For example, if you decide to get up earlier, you need to go to bed earlier in the evening. Schedule for the morning to do more.
- Do not overload yourself. If you started doing exercises, then set yourself the most comfortable workload, and then gradually increase the number and complexity of the exercises. Starting immediately with a large load, you not only can not develop a good habit but also quickly lose interest in charging. For some, it will be hard to train for even 5 minutes a day. But after some time, the habit will begin to take root gradually. And it will be possible to increase the time of exercise.
- It must be remembered that the main key to getting a good habit is the regularity of performing actions. Do not invent excuses, postpone the plan. So you never succeed.
- You can make a schedule for the development a good habit. Keep a special diary where all your plans will be recorded. Specify the days or months to complete. When one habit will be fixed, cross it out of the plan and go on to the next one.
- Skipping one day is not fatal. Skipping two days is serious, but not scary either. But if you miss the three days allotted to consolidate the habit, then all the work will have to be done first. Remember this. Do not blame yourself; just start anew, because everyone has the right to make mistakes. The main thing is not to give up. Move on, then you can come to the cherished goal.
- Even the smallest concessions are a significant blow to your hard work. If you decide to quit smoking, then one cigarette can cause you to break again and smoke. If you choose the right food, then a small can of Coke can destroy all your previous achievements. You can not indulge in small weaknesses; otherwise, you will never be able to consolidate a good habit.
- However, do not drive yourself and turn life into blindly following the plan. In any development of good habits there must be something positive. Make yourself small gifts that are associated with the habit. If you decide to run in the morning, then a great reward will be the new sneakers. If you have chosen a writing or journalistic craft, then buy yourself a beautiful pen. These little things should please you, motivate you to further work.
- Celebrate your daily progress. Record how much time you spent today developing your habit. If possible, record the number of exercises. For example, how many push-ups or squats you performed per day.
- As already mentioned, skipping one day is not a crime. With hard work all week you can get yourself a day off. The main thing is that the rest does not interfere with further work on the habit. If you have been eating right all week, then you shouldn’t break all the odds. But you still need to rest. Take a walk with friends, sleep well, take a trip to nature. This will give you strength for further activities.
- To achieve the success you need to enjoy your work. Habit making is not hard labor, which is required for a better life. She is already a better life. Therefore, you should receive only positive emotions. Do not dwell on the habit, if it gives you inconvenience if you are hard to endure its production. Healthy food can also be tasty if you give importance to its taste. An apple can be fun. Exercise is work on your body. Feel how it is filled with health, how muscles grow. Enjoying habit is a priceless reward. Your goal should be the path itself, how to develop a good habit, not an end result.
And in the end, it is worth noting how much time you need to consolidate the new habit. Here, scientists cannot give an exact answer, some argue that we need 21 days, others say that 40 days. This figure is individual for each. Feel what your body is saying. If a certain action is performed automatically, then the habit is already formed. And the number of days does not matter. The main thing – it does not stop until the habit becomes really familiar to you.