We all get angry sometimes, even the most balanced adults have a hard time controlling anger. Anger, anger, anger … all are synonyms for an emotion that is difficult to control but that is very important to do for the daily life of people, of any age. Has your child or a child you know ever got angry and you didn’t know how to act? how to handle an angry child? The behaviour that the adult has in the face of a child’s anger is decisive for the child’s future behaviour. An angry child must learn to know what is happening to him and how to control that unbalanced state.
How to handle an angry child?
Young children do not have the ability to express their emotions in a correct way, that is, in a way that they can feel balanced without their reaction negatively affecting their immediate environment. But parents must teach and help an angry child to have the necessary skills to successfully channel this emotion. An irascible child may not be able to do much harm, but if it is not managed at an early age, that child will grow and when it is older it can cause damage to itself and even to others if they do not know how to handle anger and rage well. they feel within themselves.
Children learn by imitation
When children are young they learn behaviour through the example of their parents, they rely on imitation and observation in order to acquire different behaviour habits and to learn skills for the development of their lives. For this reason, it is crucial that parents take into account their behaviour and habits in life so that their children can have a good example before them.
Children can learn good habits through imitation, but they can also learn bad habits. In this sense, children will learn about parents’ behaviour and how they react to stress, tension or disappointment in different situations, such as when a child gets angry. So what is the best way to react when a child is angry? An angry child must learn to regulate his emotions with your help.
Behavioural prevention
Prevent you from being hungry or sleepy. You should avoid situations where you know stress and frustration can build up in a young child. For example, you should avoid doing any activity when your child is too tired or hungry.
Ignore tantrums or irritations. It is better to focus on praising good behaviour rather than on what an angry child does.
It helps him calm down. Children do not know how to calm down on their own, so you should help them to do so so that as they grow up they are aware of their emotions. You can help him with games that involve hand movements like playing with sand or playing with moulds.
Talk to your child about emotions. Do not criticize or get angry because he is angry, do not ask him why he is angry, just look for what is happening and suggest a positive way of dealing with the situation that causes disgust to the child.
Anger can show us the way
You must remember that you are his best example and that if you want your child not to learn to act with anger or aggressiveness when he is acting like an angry child, you must show him ways to control that emotion that makes him explode. Being angry is not bad, it is only a way of making us see that there is something around us or within us that does us no good and that we must change in order to restore internal balance.
If your child is older you can encourage him to write in a newspaper, show him that you do it too and that it helps you channel your emotions (if you don’t, it is always a good time to start doing it, you will also appreciate it). Physical activities are also a good option to teach discipline and control of anger and aggressiveness.
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