Positive thinking is fundamental in every state of anxiety, not only is it enough to control the physical component of anxiety. And initiate all those behaviors that will improve my anxious state. We must begin to revise our mental attitudes, that is, our way of thinking. Behind every anxiety process there are usually worries that overwhelm us, negative thoughts, fears, etc. That by not being addressed in an effective way will continue to generate anxiety. Positive thinking is something we do all day long even when we sleep, we keep thinking about dreams.
The main negative thoughts that affect anxiety are the constant worries, those that overflow us. And gradually lead to an escalation of anxiety. There are people who worry about “everything” , they react in an exaggerated way. They take things out of their right proportion, they focus on the negative aspects, they get upset easily. They react always with bad humor, etc. All these attitudes towards life and its circumstances, are still a habit. A learned attitude. Therefore, our personal improvement involves acquiring the practice of reacting to life more calmly. Serenely helping to make the difficulties easier to handle, so:
Mental attitudes that exacerbate anxiety
A very common type of positive thinking are the And what? … “and if it happens …” scaring of the negative situations that may occur in the future. Living thinking about all the negative experiences that can happen in the future will only further increase the anxiety. And of course, negative things can happen to us in our lives. But put to invent, let’s imagine that we can also live positive and pleasant experiences. Sometimes, we suffer more with what we imagine than with what actually happens.
Avoidance of what we fear, when there are situations to which, for some reason, we react with anxiety tend to avoid. Such as driving on a given site, visit a place, etc. Fear prevents us from enjoying new experiences of life, isolating ourselves. And, above all, becoming more and more entangled in our fears.
The metaphor of the lion that was thirsty can help us to value the importance of facing what we fear to overcome our fears and better control anxiety.
On one occasion, a lion approached a lake of crystal clear water to quench his thirst. As he approached them he saw his face reflected in them and thought: “Oh, this lake must be this lion. I have to be very careful with him! “Afraid he retreated from the waters. But he was so thirsty that he returned to them. There was again “the lion” What to do? Thirst devoured him and there was no other lake nearby. He stepped back, tried again and, seeing the “lion”, opened the threatening jaws. But seeing that the other “lion” was doing the same thing, he felt terror. He ran out, but thirst was so much! Several times he tried again and always fled in fright. But because the thirst was so intense. He finally made the decision to drink the lake water, whatever happened. He did so. And when you put your head in the water.
This simple story teaches us that if we do not face our fears. They will be bigger each time. The only method that can make disappear what we fear is to face it. Even on many occasions we can realize “that it was not so much”. Above all, it is necessary to face situations that we fear and that we usually avoid and are important for our lives to overcome.
Feeling afraid of failure
Worry about the negative result, fear of not taking the size derived from excessive expectations, having a low self-esteem. And not performing certain tasks or goals for fear of not doing it well. The fact of not facing each other makes the person feel more relaxed. But the avoidance will always make him feel the anxiety of not getting what he wants.
Pursuing that everything is perfect, establishing unattainable goals and suffering at the slightest error will end up destabilizing the person because for the person with a perfectionist mental style will never be enough. If you want to live without anxiety, do not want everything to be perfect, set yourself realistic goals, give yourself the right to be human. And not perfect, and do not forget that
Behind the attitude of “tomorrow I will do it” Postpone or leave for tomorrow
hides the anxiety. The “leave for later” can become the source of our anxieties and a daily attitude. Organize and remember the saying “do not leave for tomorrow what you can do today” can be very useful to not feel constantly anxious with our tasks everyday
There are people who continually relate how unfortunate they are and how everything happens to them. And although it is true that there are people who live more negative events than others. That mental attitude will only make that person feel even more distressed, do not accept the negative circumstances of life. And live entangled in the “continuous complaint”. As long as you do not unravel that attitude and adopt the need not to complain about your life. You will not be able to live relaxed and serene.
Positive reflection – Do not regret
And why so many distortions and errors in our way of positive thinking? Perhaps the explanation may be in the education received. An education that has traditionally focused more on disturbing, frightening, based on fear and distrust. On doing things well without the possibility of mistakes, etc. and little has been taught us about how we feel and how our way of coping with circumstances will make us feel better. The traditional teachings have been focused on looking at the negative. The punishment, the authority, the fear, giving little room for phrases of positive thoughts. Reinforcement, dialogue, motivation and affection.
How fear of the future, avoidance, perfectionism … can cause, increase or maintain anxiety? As we explained in the article to understand the anxiety to be able to overcome it. In all these cases, we are activating our alarm system. Sometimes even daily without realizing it, to live constantly worried implies to live always with the alarm system on and therefore. They will appear the symptoms of anxiety .
Positive thoughts as a key to overcoming anxiety
Training an effective problem solving and a positive mental style will help us to live without anxiety, since the way in which a situation is perceived is the most significant component of anxiety. Fighting anxiety requires a change in our lifestyle, but mainly in our mental attitude and reasoning, just as we learn other things we also learn to think, anxiety is tension, and we increase tension with our mental state.
When we worry we could say that our mind begins to circle around without stopping, always arriving at the same place. If we want to help our thoughts so that the mind rests we must begin to put our thinking straight, that is, initiate an internal self-talk with ourselves where we are able to give solutions to our concerns, directing our mind for a resolution’s way … It is not easy but neither is it impossible.
Positive Thinking Phrases
For this the first step is to realize and identify negative thoughts when you have anxiety , usually we do not stop to analyze our thoughts, giving them for valid without even questioning their veracity and even more if it hurts the approach we are doing. Well, as we review what we eat before possible allergies, to take care of health, etc. It is also important and it would be a healthy learning to review our thoughts. How? Well, before the first glimpse of anxiety to ask ourselves, am I worrying too much? Am I giving too much importance to something negative? I am scared? Am I demanding too much ?.
It is time to stop being catastrophic, and ask ourselves Is there an alternative way of positive thinking about this situation? We are going to put ourselves in the worst case, what is the worst that could happen? It consists in imagining that your worst fears become reality. If you come to the conclusion that you can endure the occurrence of those situations or experiences, you will have freed yourself from your fears. Worrying Can you avoid what you fear? What’s the point of worrying?
If we close ourselves in our own concerns, we can hardly take action. The concern must be something momentary that allows us to take action as soon as possible in order to make those disasters less terrible.
Expressions and positive phrases
Our way of expressing ourselves, that is, our verbal language, should also be reviewed. When we value things positively and use a positive and motivating language to refer to situations, it will also help us to feel better and improve our self-esteem. It is necessary to be aware of the difference that exists when we put forward the points of view or opinions from a negative or positive approach.
So reviewing daily attitudes, observing how we react to negative daily experiences and using positive language and positive thinking will make us face the situations that arise with optimism and greater security. For example, it is not the same to say “I think that” than to use the positive alternative phrase “I am sure of”, or to say “I do not believe that I am capable” for “Of course I am going to get it”. Incorporate or enrich your language with more positive messages, self – help phrases and encouragement, reflections that serve to animate; not only you but also your loved ones. In this aspect, the technique of positive self-instructions can greatly help you .
Positive phrases during an anxiety attack
Do not stop paying attention to attitudes, thoughts, words, etc. that you use to modify them and change them for words and above all, positive thoughts. Such a simple gesture will help you see the positive side of things.