These habits are so common that we think they are harmless, but in reality, they hurt us a lot. We talk about self-esteem all the time, what encourages it and what destroys it. Do not finish understanding the importance of cultivating it and taking care of it appropriately. In a world where superficiality is so common, we often confuse self-esteem with ego, with the need to project security and superiority in the different areas of our lives.
Having self-esteem is not something that should be projected, much less simulated, rather it is about having a harmonious relationship with oneself and living in peace with that relationship. Recognize what should be changed and what should be taken care of.
Self-esteem is not deny everything and say “I have self-esteem and therefore I consider myself perfect”, “I do not need to change” or “I’m better than others”. Increase low self-esteem for better future and good relationship.
Signs of low self esteem in a woman
We need to know the signs of low self esteem in a woman. So that, we can live in a freer, more conscious and calm way, but instead, we decide to annihilate our own recognition and self-love through small actions that we believe are harmless. It actually limits us mentally, emotionally and even physically.
These are the signs of low self esteem in a woman and that you must immediately change your life:
If you repeat negative words all the time these will end up becoming your truth. Remember that the mind is powerful and if we are always thinking in a toxic way we will not be able to see the good side of things.
If you repeat negative words all the time these will end up becoming your truth. Do not fall at the extremes, avoid saying things like “always” and “never”; When something does not turn out as you expected, do not say “I’m not good for nothing”, “I do not deserve to be happy”, “I can not”. The worst thing we can do is become judges and critics of ourselves, therefore, be kind to your words and do not underestimate yourself.
Beyond the physical, what really matters is health. Feeling good internally begins with the care you take of yourself, not so much how you look. It is understood that if you avoid destructive habits for your health, then you value your life and therefore you will take care of your body and your mind.
Who enters a vicious circle of self-destruction shows little self-esteem? It reflects carelessness of itself. So before worrying about the sizes or imperfections, take care to give your body what you need and the result will be positive accordingly.
That woman who blames others for her own happiness shows little self-esteem and internal conflict that does not allow her to live fully. Neither money, nor objects, nor other people can give you the happiness you seek, you must remember that happiness is something that is carried inside and that, consequently, is shared or experienced in the company of others.
Do not forget that both things and people are transient, so we must live without many attachments, fully enjoying the present and not expecting to have everything to start being happy.
Do not forget that both things and people are transient, so we must live without many attachments, fully enjoying the present. So do not think that a couple, a perfect body or expensive clothes will make you feel happier. If within you have not developed serenity, you will always be looking for something that fills your existential void.
Sometimes we are too demanding with ourselves, we think that we are not good enough at something and we are afraid of what many call “failure”. You will not be a successful woman just because you think you can do everything perfectly, that requirement does not allow you to see that mistakes are the way to learning.
Take out of your mind the “I can not” or the “I do not serve at all” and start identifying your weaknesses to turn them into strengths. It’s fine if one day you need a break, time away from the unstoppable dynamics of everyday life. Learn to give you the credit you deserve and at the same time do not fall into conformism. You know perfectly how far you can, so be true to that without letting yourself be manipulated by your own fears.
People who complain about everything show that they live in conflict with themselves, that they do not find solutions to the simplest problems and that basically, they are unhappy. Sometimes the complaint is confused with the complaint or opinion, but it is not the same.
Those who complain all the time do not know nuances. They see everything wrong because in a certain way their way of seeing life lacks appreciation or appreciation. If you complain about everything, you reflect a lack of self-esteem. Because you imply that you do not feel comfortable or satisfied with yourself and what surrounds you.
In addition, those who have these signs of low self esteem in a woman are the least active. They like to point out mistakes and follow the 10 rules strategy. But never do anything to solve them, whether they are their own or collective.