Mindfulness for Mental Health

Caring for mental health is important and nowadays there are many more resources available to us that can help look after the mental health of ourselves and others. From the help that is available from societies such as Mind to training courses like these mental health training courses www.tidaltraining.co.uk/mental-health-courses/ that can help us to understand more about various mental health conditions.

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Something that many people swear by when it comes to looking after their mental well-being is meditation and mindfulness. This is a practice which helps to slow down the brain and stop all of those racing thoughts as well as focusing on the breathing which stops those feelings of panic that many people who suffer with mental illnesses can feel.

As well as making you feel calmer, practising meditation and mindfulness also helps you to boost your concentration levels and be able to focus better on your tasks during the day. When you practise meditation and mindfulness on a daily basis you are better able to focus on the things that you need to do without thoughts and worries intruding on your time.

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Some of the tips that can help you to practise mindfulness on a daily basis as you go about your life include:

Using a meditation app to get started

Taking note of the little things that you see when you are walking or travelling, for example feel the taste of something in your mouth, notice how things move and feel the texture of surfaces that you are touching.

Try to make sure you practise at the same time each day this will help your brain too naturally start to become aware of what you are doing.

Roger Walker

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Meditating While High: Exploring the Benefits and Risks

Sun Jan 15 , 2023
Meditation is a popular practice that has been used for thousands of years to promote inner peace and well-being. Recently, there has been a growing interest in combining meditation with the use of cannabis. In this article, we will explore the benefits and risks of meditating while high. Benefits of […]
Meditating While High

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