How to handle start-up stress

Some people are more inclined to stress than others, but there’s no denying that running a start-up business can be stressful. If you do suffer with anxiety or an inability to ‘switch off’, you’ll want some coping strategies, so you can make your business venture a success without running yourself into an early grave!


If you find you’re working well into the evenings, see if you can fit in time for some exercise first thing in the morning. It might be the last thing you feel like, but it will help you to feel more energised, calmer and happier during your working day. Something that gets you active and takes your mind away from work, even if it’s just ten minutes will be highly beneficial. Exercise increases endorphins which help reduce feelings of stress.

Create a break between work and sleep

Working right up until the time you go to bed is a bad idea. The closer you’re in ‘work’ mode to sleep time, the more you’ll be thinking about work when you hit the sack. If you work from home, be sure to separate your work zone from your sleep zone. Try to be strict in that you give yourself at least an hour to wind down after work before trying to go to bed. You won’t be at your best for the next day if you’re burning the midnight oil too much.

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Streamline your to-do list

Looking at your ever-expanding to-do list can make you feel like you’re never going to get it all done. Consider delegating some of the tasks, as you can’t be expected to manage everything on your own. Outsourcing is a popular option for busy small business owners and such services can take care of anything from accountancy and HR to finding you a virtual assistant. For Virtual PA services, visit

Use tools to create systems built on your strengths

Different people react in different ways to certain problems. Some people aren’t fussed by an inbox with 1000 unread emails, but others would find this incredibly stressful. You can download tools that help to manage your inbox. Things that don’t need immediate attention can be pushed back to a time when you know you’ll be free. Keyboard shortcuts can also be used to turn emails into to-do lists with dates, so each email has an action and isn’t just sat there unread and bugging you.

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Find like-minded people

One great way of easing the burden is to talk to others who are going through the same things. A group of local business owners or entrepreneurs who meet once a month to do fun activities and sometimes talk about business can really help you to feel more connected, not struggling alone and you can pick up some great tips on dealing with stress.


Roger Walker

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Kratom Opm

Tue Dec 18 , 2018
Traditionally the natives of Thailand chewed the leaves. However most of the kratom leaves you’ll find for sale are dry and not enjoyable to eat at all. Instead the resin and the powder are suggested. Both of these are available loose and in capsules. The stimulates the body immune system […]

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