A child who does not respect adults is a very relative problem because everyone has different ideas about respect. If someone’s son or daughter, for example, responds with rudeness to almost any request and attempt to talk, then that is probably disrespect. If we are talking, for example, about running […]
Many parents are interested in why their children are so attracted to advertising. As shown by independent polls, it is 4-6 years old kids, in contrast to the solvent adult audience, are left to watch ad inserts during television. The impact of advertising on adolescents and children is studied and […]
Emotional (or social) intelligence is a concept that has become commonly used relatively recently. If a classic and well-known IQ is referred to as IQ (intelligence quotient), then for emotional intelligence the abbreviation EI (emotional intelligence) is used, sometimes it is also referred to as EQ. Many psychologists and sociologists […]