For those who do not want emotional involvement or important love stories. It would be essential to respect the theories of some experts. To be put into practice from the first meeting.
The romantic butterflies, which with their beating of wings in the stomach announce the birth of love. Emigrate to the cerebral sphere of reason and remain trapped in the web of cynical scientific calculations.
Yes, because it seems that even falling in love can be kept at bay by respecting precise rules, which allow the opposite extremes of reason and feeling to find their meeting point in the rigor of a rigorous calculation.
Some experts, in fact, have carried out studies and elaborated five theories that would leave those allergic to poetic emotions immune from Cupid’s arrows. Here are which ones:
1. 34 minutes rule
Conceived by the psychologist Arthur Aron after research conducted on 503 patients. This theory would estimate the concrete possibility of falling in love in a precise period of time and in 36 questions (of which at least a third related to the private life of the interlocutor). Therefore, to avoid it, it would be enough not to reveal personal information. Not to listen to the partner for at least 15 minutes and not to observe each other, eye to eye and in silence, for at least 4 minutes.
2. Light on
Research conducted by Richard C. Pillard of Boston University establishes that kissing or making love in the dark would allow partners to focus more. In fact, much space would be left to the sense of smell, which of the five senses is the most influential in the complex dynamics of falling in love, as it is responsible for stimulating the amygdala (a brain area that gives rise to emotions).
3. Obsessive attention
The more freedom you leave to your partner, the longer the story is meant to last. Paradoxically, therefore, if you want to be left soon, start immediately to spread complaints and expect fuss. Because it is precisely the couples made up of real free spirits who are the most sentimentally linked.
4. Avoid some colors
Red for her, black or blue for him: these would be the chromatic variations to avoid in order not to create idyllic alchemy. To say it is the study of prof. Andrew Elliott, according to whom a certain color corresponds to a certain stimulus and it is these two shades that determine the passionate incentives.
5. Sex right away
Tempting would be harmful to those who are intolerant of love. Because waiting extends the pleasure, and the best way not to make a relationship last is to indulge immediately. Psychologist Michael Mantell explained: “A premature or even lightning-fast physical relationship, albeit fascinating, can be a deterrent to the structure of one’s feeling. The reasons are many but essentially linked to a single component: waiting. Reaching the goal immediately contributes to reducing interest in the partner. “