Toxic work environment-Does gossip and confrontations between partners prevail in your work? Do you feel that your bosses do not value your ability to work? What real possibilities
Being an entrepreneur implies taking charge of your business, and brings with it serious responsibilities. You will become the visible face of the business and make important decisions every day. Therefore, it is important that you know the difference between being a boss and being a leader.
When we talk about inspiring a team many times we associate the term inspiring with motivating and sometimes we get to confuse them. We must be clear that, although both have a direct relationship, it is difficult that only with the motivation we can inspire our work team.
Achieving a worker’s well-being is the key to obtaining the highest professional performance. Job motivation is, therefore, a mandatory subject for any HR professional. Discover the keys to motivate others. Here, we will present how to inspire others in the workplace.
Fear is an emotion that produces an intense unpleasant sensation caused by the perception that we have of real danger in the present or by a dangerous situation that we imagine that may happen to us in the future or by the memory of a dangerous situation we live in. […]
There are plenty of things that we think we understand or take for non-existent after observing for a couple of minutes. Be assertive to develop observation power. But if we keep observing them for longer, it will not be long before new things, new ideas and new consequences appear, which […]
Secrets of responsible leadership- Initiative, perseverance, hard work … There are many things that good leaders have in common, but it is those who add responsibility to that formula
Assertiveness is usually defined as the ability to express opinions, feelings, attitudes, and desires, and to claim one’s rights, at the right time, without excessive anxiety, and in a way that does not affect the rights of others. Courageous and assertive quality can improve your leadership strength. Follow the guide […]
Whether a project goes forward or a working group works, in large part, depends on a good leader to lead, organize, delegate and be respected. We already talked about the types of leaders at work, but what aspects do you have to work on if you want to be a […]