Eight tips to avoid depression and anxiety

Prevent depression and anxiety from controlling your life. Here you will find several suggestions for activities to enjoy a healthy lifestyle.

Sunday. The day of the week when depression is strongly present. Fortunately, there are many things we can do to prevent a downturn in our mood.

Depression and anxiety are mental and emotional disorders that manifest themselves through symptoms such as dizziness, sweating, tachycardia, and fatigue, endangering our mental health and preventing us from leading to normal life.

Controlling these disturbances can be complicated, but it is worth trying a series of exercises that help reduce symptoms and give calm and relaxation to our body, by eliminating the muscular and mental tension that disturbs us daily.

Below we present a series of recommendations to avoid the appearance of these disorders.


When the body begins to perform physical activity, the level of endorphins increases, hormones that allow us to feel joy, and well-being and act against the sensation of pain.

There are different types of exercises for each person, according to their physical characteristics and lifestyle, although it is always recommended to have an adequate program prescribed by a doctor or a personal trainer.

There are people who find it better to exercise outdoors, since it produces a certain sense of freedom, or even contact with nature, as part of a therapy for relaxation and whole life.

Alternative Forms Of Stress Management

There are many ways to deal with and balance stress; the most common are meditation, yoga, exercise, etc.

But there are also alternative ways to handle it. For example, “health journeys” (internal trips for health); consist of a powerful mind control technique that enrages the imagination. It can be something as simple as a surfer dreaming, before getting into action, the sensation that he might experience when sliding on his board through a big wave. Or it can be as complex as imagining the buzz that would be produced by thousands of immune system cells on a search-and-destroy mission for cancer cells.

Another of these alternative method is “progressive relaxation.” The goal of this is that one learns to completely control and relax all the muscles of the body, through understanding and discrimination resulting from tension and relaxation. With this, you can eliminate muscle contractures and experience a feeling of deep relaxation.

If you practice any of these, you will be able to calmly face the obstacles that life throws at you. It does not matter which of them you do, since the fundamental thing is the will and the commitment.

Communicate Emotions

In life, it is essential to have friends and family whom you can trust when you need to tell a problem or express a concern.

At the same time, expressing difficult feelings or thoughts will take a weight off your shoulders and your mood will improve markedly.

Commit To A Group

Staying busy and focusing your energy on some purposeful activity is essential to avoid being overwhelmed by depression and anxiety.

Being in charge of a group of people to carry out physical, social, or administrative activity is a good option, since worrying about the environment or people’s health is a motivation to fight for something and have satisfactory results.

I Wrote

To raise your spirits there is nothing better than expressing your feelings and emotions. If you are suspicious or there is no one around whom you can turn to tell what ails you, take a notebook or diary and start writing, it is a good way to release negative thoughts.

Achieve Spiritual Tranquility

One method to combat depression and anxiety is to spend time in nature, meditate, pray or take refuge in a religious environment. These activities will allow you to connect with something in particular and channel your problems or sadness to find comfort and tranquility.

I Discovered What Makes You Happy

What motivates you every day to meet your goals? This is what you should ask yourself, especially if you are starting to get depressed or anxious.

There are different activities that can help you improve your mood. You can put into practice activities that give you pleasure, such as a hobby.

If you’re not quite sure what you like most and what gives you satisfaction in life, try different activities, from sports, board games, dexterity, or mental agility. You can also lean towards artistic activities such as drawing workshops; if you like music, you can make an effort to integrate into the cultural life of your community; Plan tours of museums and cultural bazaars.

Perhaps food is your thing, and in that case, there is the option of the gourmet world. You can sign up for tastings, cooking courses, cocktails, etc.

Floristry and gardening are also recommended as therapy for relaxation.

Help The Other

Signing up for a volunteer is an appropriate way to direct your feelings towards something positive, and raise your self-esteem. This is because this type of activity helps to understand and learn new values. Helping others brings with it a sense of physical, emotional, and intellectual well-being.

You may like to read Self-improvement and self-help courses for your life

Eliana Brown

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