Want to try new things but worry that you’ll fail, look silly or won’t know what to do? You’re not alone. Most of us stick firmly inside our comfort zones for fear of stepping into unknown territory. Here are some reasons why you should:
- It’s never as bad as you expect
That sense of relief is wonderful, when you realise it wasn’t bad at all but was actually fun. You’ll realise that it’s now a new string to add to your bow and you’ll be able to do again without hesitation.
- Nobody will be paying that much attention
When you’re feeling self-conscious or apprehensive, it’s easy to feel that everyone is looking at you. Honestly, they aren’t. Most people are so self-absorbed that they have no idea how you might be feeling or what you’re doing.
- Others feel the same way
Feeling worried, scared, nervous or a little apprehensive? At times like these, most of us feel very alone but the truth is, we are definitely not alone in feeling this way.
- People like you
People like you, with the same level of ability and anxiety are successfully doing it which means you can too.
- Best way to grow
There is no better way to grow as a person than to try new experiences. Push yourself and you’ll be amazed at how good the results feel.
- Find a new passion
If you don’t ever try anything new, you’ll never discover whether you have a talent for something, a love for an activity or a passion for something. It’s the trying of new things that enables us to know ourselves better. Whether it’s a job interview, learning to swim, riding a rollercoaster, tackling heights or driving a tank! Surprise yourself by demonstrating your leadership skills in unique Tank Driving Days from Armourgeddon Tank Driving.
- Brain training
When we embark on new activities, our brains greatly benefit. The brain gets some new form of exercise, a chance to learn and rewire, keeping it healthy and more youthful.
- Increase your self-confidence
You’ll feel better about yourself and this will show in every area of your life.
- Proud
You’ll feel proud of yourself for what you’ve achieved. New accomplishments mean we stand a bit taller and feel good about ourselves. Wouldn’t it be great to make this a more common occurrence?
- Make future milestones easier
Once you’ve overcome one hurdle or reached a milestone, it makes the next one much easier to tackle. Success creates more success as you develop greater confidence, knowledge and determination.